Bad Mums Part 1 - Cruise life

By Cruising With Honey - 09:03

SIXTY FOUR days ago, a couple of my school mum friends took an afternoon off to go to the flicks.

Loaded with Coke Zero, pumpkin seeds and popcorn we plopped our tooshies down in a pretty empty theater (it was a Tuesday at 1pm) to watch something other than a PG-animated film. That movie was 'Bad Moms'. Now, if you haven't seen it, you must. It's absolutely hilarious.

As we exited the dark movie house - to race off to school pick up - we looked at each other and had one collective thought, "we need time off to be bad mums". Now, I'm not saying we wanted to go to the extreme of the characters in the film, but why can't we have a few days off to really let loose? Our kids were old enough now be relativity self-sufficient and the hubbies are all actually awesome.

"Let's go out on girl's night?" we pined.  But, one night was not enough.

We needed a REAL break from preparing breakfasts, morning teas, lunches, dinners, after school snacks, pre-dinner snacks, dinner, dessert, supper and midnight meals.

We needed a real break from washing, ironing, cleaning, shopping, school events, signing forms, preparing for excursions, attending recorder recitals, scouts, music lessons, choir, sports and play dates.

We needed a REAL break from weekend family days, birthday parties, refereeing sibling punch-ups. navigating teenage moods, in-laws, phone calls, emails, work, Christmas prepping...

Simply in three words:  WE ARE TIRED

Suddenly, I had a light bulb moment! LET'S CRUISE! It's affordable, we don't have to LIFT a finger, we can eat what we want when we want, drink, swim, sun bake and SLEEP.

Within a matter of hours, a cruise was booked and we started the countdown. News soon spread around the school, and by the next day another awesome foursome were joining us.

As I'm sitting here typing up this post with purple hair-dye on my head, I can honestly say I am super pumped. The kiddies will be fine (I still get anxiety leaving them for an over night stay) and the next three nights are going to be a riot.

There are two rules though:
  1. Whatever happens on the cruise stays on the cruise (and on this blog)
  2. Every time ANY of us mention the kids, we have to take a shot of tequila 

I'd better go pack, the ladies will be here soon. 

My liver is ready.

P.S I'll be live streaming on my Facebook page, so remember to follow the shenanigans there.

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